Distinct Stops |
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With nearly 2200 index entries and over 1000 separate entry files, this Encyclopedia might beg the question “how many really different stops are there?” This question is, in the final analysis, unanswerable. Are Bourdon, Gedeckt and Stopped Diapason different stops? The answer depends on historical and geographical context, how finely you want to make distinctions, and, ultimately, who you ask. Still, on this page we offer one possible answer. If we take the index for this Encyclopedia, removing synonyms, prefixes and suffixes such as Bass, Celeste, Contra, Double, Echo, Gross, Grand, Holz, Klein, Octave, Major, Minor, Solo, and Sub, variants based solely on pitch, and stops of dubious origin or distinction, we are left with the following collection of 376 stops:
Aeoline |
Aeoline Reed |
Amorosa |
Apfelregal |
Egyptian Horn Eighteenth |
Eleventh English Horn |
Erzahler Ethereal Violin |
Euphone Euphonium |
Gaitas Gamba Gedampftregal Gedeckt |
Gedecktregal Geigen Geigenregal |
Gemshorn Gemsrohrflöte GermanFlute German Gamba |
Glockenspiel Glockleinton Gongs |
Italian Principal |
Jeu de Clochette |
Jeu Erard |
Jubal |
Jubalflöte |
Jungfernregal |
Kalberregal Kalliope |
Keraulophone Kinura Knopfregal |
Kopflinregal Kopfregal Koppelflöte |
Krumet Krummhorn Krummhornregal |
Labial Klarinette |
Lieblich Gedeckt |
Lochgedackt |
Ludwigtone |
Magnaton Marimba Mellophone Melodia Melophone |
Messingregal Metallic Flute Metallic, Stopped Mixture |
Mollterz Mounted Cornet Musette Musicirgedeckt |
Muted Cello Muted Gamba Muted Trumpet Muted Viola |
Nachthorn Nasard Flute Nasard Gamba |
Nason Nineteenth Ninth |
Nitsua None Nonenkornett |
Pauke Pfeife Philomela |
Phoneuma Physharmonika Piano Piccolo |
Pierced Piffaro Plein Jeu Post Horn |
Principal Flute Progressio Harmonica Pyramid Flute Pyramidon |
Quint |
Quint Flute |
Quintade |
Quintadena |
Quintaten |
Rankett Rauschpfeife |
Rauschquinte Recorder |
Regal Resultant |
Rohrflöte Rohrquintadena |
Unda Maris |
Vibraphone Viol Viol Flute Viola |
Viola Aetheria Viola d'Amore Viola da Gamba Viola Phonon |
Viola Pomposa Viole à Pavillon Violon Violoncello |
Violone Voce Flebile Vogelgesang Vox Angelica Vox Humana |
Waldflöte |
Waldhorn |
Whistle |
Wienerflöte |
Xylophone |
Zartflöte |
Zauberflöte |
Zink |
Zymbelscharf |