Englische Flöte German
Flûte Angélique Italian
Soave Italian
Suabile (unknown)

Audsley lists Soave with this description: “The name given to an open labial stop, of 8 ft. pitch, yielding an unimitative flute-tone of great softness and beauty.” He quotes Regnier in a footnote:

Soave (ou suabile), huit-pieds, de grosse taille, lent à parler, mais très-doux et gracieux, comme l'indique son nom italien. On le désigne aussi sous le nom d'englische Floete, flûte-angélique, qu'il ne faut pas confondre avec le jeu d'anche, qui porte à peu près le nom de angelica vox.

An English translation follows:

Soave (or suabile), eight-foot, of large scale, slow speaking, but very soft and gracious, as indicated by its Italian name. It is also found under the name of englische Floete, flûte-angélique, which one should not confuse with the reed stop which bears the name angelica vox [Vox Angelica?].

Sumner lists Soave as “An Italian stop of 8-ft. pitch giving a soft and beautiful tone.”

Audsley mentions the name Suabile as a “flute-toned stop of 8 ft. pitch", quoting Seidel-Kothe as follows:

Suabile ist ein Flötenwerk zu 8', von angenehmer Intonation, welches sich zum sanften und langsamen Vortrage besonders eignet. Diese Stimme wird auch englische Flöte genannt.

An English translation follows:

Suabile is an 8' flute stop of pleasant intonation, characterized by soft and particularly slow speech. This stop also becomes known as englische Flöte.

Locher lists Suabile as a synonym for Suavial, a different stop.

Compare with Flauto Angelico.


No examples of any of these stop names are known. Contributions welcome.


Audsley[1]: Soave; Suabe Flute. Locher[1]: Suavial. Sumner[1]: Soave.
Copyright © 1999 Edward L. Stauff, all rights reserved.
Soave.html - Last updated 14 September 2000.
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