Nasard Flûte French?
Quint Flute English
Grand Quintaten English

Audsley lists Nasard Flûte with the following description:

The name given by its introducer, George W. Till, of Philadelphia, Pa., to a labial dual stop, formed of a metal Flûte Harmonique, 8 ft., and a metal Nasard Harmonique, 2-2/3 ft.; and introduced, for the first time, in the Concert Organ in the Wanamaker Store, in Philadelphia, Pa., where it occupies a place in the Great Organ, speaking on wind of 5 inches. This compound stop is essentially timbre-creating, yielding a tone of a remarkable quality and volume, impossible of production by a stop, however voiced, having only a single rank of pipes. The tone might well earn the stop the name Grand Quintaten, 8 ft.

According to Irwin, the name Nasard Flute is synonymous with Quint Flute, though Audsley describes it differently. Regarding Grand Quintaten, Irwin says only “The Grand Quintaten and the Nasard Flute can also be compound.” Other compound stops designed by George W. Till include Duophone, Nasard Gamba, Quint Flute, and Tierce Flute.


No examples of Grand Quintaten are known. Contributions welcome.


Audsley[1]: Nasard Flute. Irwin[1]: Quint Flute.
Copyright © 1999 Edward L. Stauff, all rights reserved.
NasardFlute.html - Last updated 12 September 2000.
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