Hole-Flute English
Hohl-flute English

Wedgwood provides the following description of Hole-Flute:

[The English Hohlflute] may be said to date from the time when William Hill, whose work is a monument to his genius, bored two holes through the top of a wood pipe (obtaining a variety of Keraulophon-Flute tone) and labelled it Hole-Flute! A stop named Hohlflöte 4 ft., of similar construction, occurs on the Choir organ at St. Mary, Nottingham (Bishop).

Hopkins & Rimbault also mention it: “[the pipes of] the English Hohl-flute have two holes near to the top, and opposite to each other”.

See also Hohlflöte.


No examples of the name Hole-flute are known. Osiris contains over five dozen examples of Hohlflute, but it is not known if any of them have this type of construction.


Hopkins & Rimbault[1]: § 384. Wedgwood[1]: Hohlflöte.
Copyright © 1999 Edward L. Stauff, all rights reserved.
HoleFlute.html - Last updated 19 March 2000.
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