Fourteenth, Flatted English

A mutation stop of 2-2/7' pitch in the manuals, where it belongs to the 16' harmonic series, or 4-4/7' in the pedal, where it belongs to the 32' harmonic series. It speaks approximately at Bb when played from a C key. It is listed only by Irwin, who says:

It may be heard in a large Grand Chorus mixture or some other compound stop, but not as a separate stop key. It is peculiar to the largest of organs that attempt to have a complete set of harmonic pitches for the many series of stops, such as 16', 8', 4', etc. On both manuals and pedals it can add richness of timbre in loud, heavy combinations.


No examples are known of the name Fourteenth, Flatted, but Osiris contains a single example of the name Fourteenth:

Fourteenth 2-2/7, Choir-Swell; Convention Hall, Atlantic City, New Jersey, USA; Midmer-Losh 1929-32.


Irwin[1]: Fourteenth, Flatted
Copyright © 1999 Edward L. Stauff, all rights reserved.
FourteenthFlatted.html - Last updated 13 May 2002.
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