Stentorphon Greek
Stentorphone Greek

These names have been used for loud flue stops as early as 1888 (see examples below). According to Wedgwood, it was originally a very large scale wooden or metal flute used in America and Germany, sometimes having double mouths. Skinner, on the other hand, calls it a large-scale Diapason. Audsley describes its tone as having “great breadth, richness and dignity”.

In the late 1800's a German organ builder named Weigle invented and patented a class of loud, high-pressure metal flue stops with mouths that extended across half the pipes' circumference, similar to steam whistles. Wedgwood credits Carl Weigle (1810-1882), but Audsley credits his son Wilhelm Theodor Friedrich Weigle, quoting patents granted in 1893-94. Weigle named these stops with the prefix Stentor, after the legendary Greek herald of the Trojan war, who Homer described as having a voice as loud as fifty men. His invention was popular for a few decades. Grove calls its tone “nondescript”, Wedgwood criticises it for having defective speech, and Audsley speaks disparagingly of it. The illustration to the right is Wedgwood's; the one below is Audsley's.

See also Seraphonflote.


Stentor Bombarde
Stentor Cornet
Stentor Diapason
  Stentor Diaphone
Stentor Gamba
Stentor Horn
Stentor Mixture
  Stentor Octave
Stentor Sesquialtera


Osiris contains 18 examples, all at 8' pitch except for one at 4'.

Stentorphone 8', Solo; Trinity Methodist Church, Denver, Colorado, USA; Roosevelt 1888.


Audsley[1]: Stentorphone. Audsley[2]: I.XIII Stentorphone; II.XXXVI Stentorphone. Bonavia-Hunt[1]: Stentor. Grove[1]: Stentorphone. Irwin[1]: Stentorphone. Locher[1]: Tuba Mirabilis. Maclean[1]: Seraphone. Skinner[1]: XII Stentorphone. Sumner[1]: Stentorphone. Wedgwood[1]: Stentorphon.
Copyright © 2001 Edward L. Stauff, all rights reserved.
Stentorphone.html - Last updated 15 December 2001.
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