Bassanelli (unknown) Bassanello Italian Bassonell (unknown) |
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Audsley lists Bassonell with the following description:
Described by Wolfram as a lingual stop of 8 ft. and 4 ft. pitch, made of metal. Its tone was, in all probability, that of a soft Bassoon character. This is seemingly the stop referred to by Hamel under the Italian name Bassanello - “Bassanelli. Ce sont des instruments à vent du siècle dernier [xviii]; ils resemblent beaucoup au chalumeau. Dans l'orgue, ils ont été imités par des jeux d'anches particuliers de huit et de quatre pieds.”
The French quotation translates as follows: “They are wind instruments of the last century [18th]; they much resemble the shawm. In the organ, they were imitated by particular reed stops of eight and four feet.”
Wedgwood describes Bassanelli thus: “Werkmeister states that these were reeds. They were obsolete even in his time [around 1700].”
Bassanello 8', Grand'Organo (I); Collegiata della Vergine Maria, Firenze, Italy; unknown, 1599. A soft Regal. Restored 1980.
Copyright © 1999 Edward L. Stauff, all rights reserved. Bassonell.html - Last updated 29 September 2007. |
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