Echo English, German

According to Locher and Wedgwood, the name Echo was used in old European organs for a quiet flute stop, sometimes enclosed in a swell box, separate from the rest of the organ. Audsley quotes Locher, and also Seidel, who says: “a single flute-toned register of soft intonation which stands behind the Organ, and received its wind through long conveyances”. Irwin considers it to be a synonym for Echo Flute. Grove and Williams, on the other hand, describe it as an Echo Cornet of III or IV ranks found in many German organs of the 18th century.

Notwithstanding the above descriptions, the term Echo is nearly always used as a modifier for some other stop name, indicating a softer and/or smaller scaled stop than normal. The following echo stops are known listed in this encyclopedia:

Echo Aeoline
Echo Bourdon
Echo Celeste
Echo 'Cello
Echo Clarabella
Echo Clarion
Echo Cornet
Echo Cymbal
Echo Diapason
Echo Dolcan
Echo Dolce
Echo Dulciana
Echo Dulciana Céleste
Echo Dulciana Mixture
Echo Erzahler
Echo Fagotto
Echo Fifteenth
Echo Flute
Echo Gamba
Echo Gedeckt
Echo Geigen
Echo Gemshorn
Echo Harmonics
Echo Horn
Echo Melodia
Echo Mixture
Echo Nachthorn
Echo Oboe
Echo Octave
Echo Open Flute
Echo Salicional
Echo Stopped Flute
Echo Tibia Clausa
Echo Tromba
Echo Trumpet
Echo Twelfth
Echo Viol
Echo Viol Mixture
Echo Viola
Echo Viole Celeste
Echo Violin
Echo Vox Humana


Only one example is known of a stop labelled simply Echo:

Echo V, Oberwerk; Cathedral, Freiberg, Germany; Silbermann 1710-14. (in box with removeable cover behind the windchest)


Audsley[1]: Echoflöte. Grove[1]: Echo. Irwin[1]: Echo Flute. Locher[1]: Echo. Skinner[1]: XII Echo. Wedgwood[1]: Echo. Williams[1]: Glossary: Echo.
Copyright © 2001 Edward L. Stauff, all rights reserved.
Echo.html - Last updated 8 January 2003.
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