Violin English
Violine German
Violino Italian
Violon French
Cremona English?

These names have been used somewhat indiscriminately for stops intended to imitate, or at least suggest, bowed stringed instruments. Audley dates the name Violin as far back as 1688, citing Bernard Smith's organ at Temple Church, London, England. The name Violine was used at least as early as 1722 (see examples below). By contrast, William Thynne's Viole d'Orchestre, arguably the first really successful imitation, was not invented until 1885.

There are other meanings for the names Violon and Cremona. Violino is also a synonym for Octave Violin.

The illustrations are Audsley's; click on them for larger images.


Bass Violin
'Cello Violin
Echo Violin
Ethereal Violin
Ethereal Violin Céleste
Gemshorn Violin
Muted Violin
Muted Violin Céleste
Octave Violin
Solo Muted Violin
Solo Violin
Violin Bass
Violin Celeste
Violin Diapason
Violin Principal
Violino Sordo
Violino Vibrato



Audsley[1]: Violin. Audsley[2]: I.XIII Violin; II.XXXIV Violin; II.XXXVI Violin. Bonavia-Hunt[1]: Viola; Violin; Violone. Grove[1]: Violon. Irwin[1]: Viole d'Orchestre. Locher[1]: Violino. Maclean[1]: Viola. Strony[1]: Viol d'Orchestre, Violin. Sumner[1]: Viole d'Orchestre; Violin.
Copyright © 2004 Edward L. Stauff, all rights reserved.
Violin.html - Last updated 12 April 2005.
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