Flue Cor Anglais (unknown)
Labial Cor Anglais (unknown)

The name Flue Cor Anglais has been used for two different stops. One is a compound stop, described by Wedgwood as follows:

Herr Weigel, of Stuffgart, has also used ... Quintatön and Fugara to form a flue Cor Anglais (Y.M.C.A. Hall, Stuttgart). In the case of the Cor Anglais the effect is remarkably good. The Quintatön is voiced stronger than the Fugara. Herr Laukhuff, of Wiekersheim, Württemburg, ... has recently (March, 1905) taken up the manufacture and voicing of ... Labial Cor Anglais - Viola and Rohrflöte.

The other form is described by Maclean, who says:

A Bevington variation [of Flûte à Pavillon] of narrow scale was known as the Bell Gamba, which was later developed by the same builder into his Flue Cor Anglais in which the shape of the bell was akin to that of the Reed-stop of the same name.

See Labial Clarinet, Labial Euphone, Labial Oboe.


Maclean[1]: Flûte à Pavillon. Wedgwood[1]: Flue Clarinet.
Copyright © 1999 Edward L. Stauff, all rights reserved.
LabialCorAnglais.html - Last updated 1 November 2001.
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