St. Anne's Church, Moseley, Birmingham, England

These sound samples were created using Hauptwerk ( For general information about sound clips, see the Sound Files appendix.


16' Lieblich Bourdon wood Brindley arpeggio St. Anne (8va)
8' Geigen Principal metal Brindley arpeggio St. Anne
8' Rohr Flöte wood Brindley arpeggio St. Anne
8' Viola di Gamba metal Brindley arpeggio St. Anne
8' Voix Celestes (tenor C) metal Brindley arpeggio
4' Salicet metal Brindley arpeggio St. Anne
4' Flauto Magico wood Brindley arpeggio St. Anne
2' Piccolo metal Brindley arpeggio
III Mixture metal Nicholson arpeggio
16' Contra Fagotto metal Brindley & Nicholson arpeggio St. Anne (8va)
8' Trumpet metal Nicholson arpeggio St. Anne
8' Oboe metal Nicholson arpeggio St. Anne
8' Clarinet metal Nicholson arpeggio St. Anne


8' Open Diapason large metal Brindley arpeggio St. Anne
8' Open Diapason small metal Lewis arpeggio St. Anne
8' Dulciana metal Lewis arpeggio St. Anne
8' Lieblich Gedact wood Lewis arpeggio St. Anne
4' Principal metal Lewis arpeggio St. Anne
4' Clear Flute metal Brindley arpeggio St. Anne
2' Fifteenth metal Brindley arpeggio
IV Mixture metal Nicholson arpeggio
8' Trumpet metal Nicholson arpeggio St. Anne
4' Clarion metal Nicholson arpeggio St. Anne


16' Open Diapason wood Brindley & Schultz arpeggio
16' Sub-Bass wood Brindley arpeggio
16' Echo Bass wood Brindley arpeggio
8' Octave wood & metal Schultz & Nicholson arpeggio
8' Flute Bass wood Brindley arpeggio
4' Fifteenth metal Nicholson arpeggio
16' Trombone metal Nicholson arpeggio


Swell Octave
Swell Sub-Octave
Swell Unison Off
Swell to Great
Swell to Pedal
Great to Pedal
Swell Octave to Great
Swell Sub-Octave to Great
Great and Pedal Pistons Coupled


5 Thumb pistons to Swell, adjustable
5 Thumb pistons to Great, adjustable
Reversible Swell to Great
Reversible Great to Pedal
5 Toe pedals to Swell, adjustable
Reversible Toe pedal Great to Pedal
Balanced Swell pedal


Great: Lieblich Gedact 8', ClearFlute 4' St. Anne
Great: Open Diapason Large 8', Principal 4' St. Anne
Great: Open Diapason Large 8', Principal 4', Fifteenth 2' St. Anne
Great: Open Diapason Large 8', Principal 4', Fifteenth 2', Mixture IV   St. Anne
Great: Open Diapason Large 8', Principal 4', Fifteenth 2', Mixture IV, 
    Trumpet 8', Clarion 4'
St. Anne
Great: Open Diapason Small 8', Principal 4' St. Anne
Great: Open Diapason Small 8', Principal 4', Fifteenth 2' St. Anne
Great: Trumpet 8', Clarion 4' St. Anne
Swell: Gamba 8', Voix Celeste 8' St. Anne
Swell: Rohrflöte 8', Flauto Magico 4' St. Anne
Swell: Rohrflöte 8', Piccolo 2' St. Anne
Swell: Rohrflöte 8', Flauto Magico 4', Piccolo 2' St. Anne
Swell: Geigen 8', Salicet 4' St. Anne
Swell: Geigen 8', Salicet 4', Mixture III St. Anne
Swell: Oboe 8'
Great: Lieblich Gedact 8'
Pedal: Echo Bass 16', Great to Pedal 8'
St. Anne
Swell: Rohr Flöte 8'
Great: Open Diapason Large 8'
Pedal: Sub-Bass 16', Swell to Pedal 8'
St. Anne


1875 - small chamber organ built by J. C. Lewis of Brixton, London, England.
1907 - new organ built by Brindley & Foster of Sheffield, incorporating the Lewis pipework.
1940 - rendered unplayable by bombing; pipework apparently unscathed.
???? - reconstructed by Harris of Birmingham.
1954 - cleaned & regulated by either Henry Willis of London or Hawkins of Watsall.
1969 - overhaul by Nicholsons (Worcester) Ltd. of Malvern, including some tonal alterations and added pipework.
1989 - Nicholson & Co. of Malvern added Pedal 16' Trombone, Great 8' Trumpet & 4' Clarion, and Swell 8' Oboe.

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Copyright © 2004 Edward L. Stauff, all rights reserved.
StAnnesMoseley/index.html - Last updated 28 February 2005.