Harmonic Mixture English

A mixture mentioned only by Audsley, who says:

The largest compound harmonic-corroborating stop we have examined and know of in a modern Organ is the Harmonic Mixture, of fourteen ranks (784 pipes), in the Organ in the Edinburgh University.

He does not say whether the word “harmonic” indicates that the stop is comprised of harmonic ranks, as with the Harmonic Cornet and Harmonic Cymbal.


Harmonic Mixture (with tierce) III-V, Great; St. James' Episcopal Church, Los Angeles, California, USA; Murray Harris, Schlicker & Austin.

Harmonic Mixture VI (17 21 22 23 26 28), Fanfare; Convention Hall, Atlantic City, New Jersey, USA; Midmer-Losh 1929-32.


Audsley[1]: Mixture.
Copyright © 1999 Edward L. Stauff, all rights reserved.
HarmonicMixture.html - Last updated 18 March 2000.
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