Viola Major German?

This stop is listed only by Irwin, who says:

A String of 8' on the manuals, with a broad, prominent Viola tone that is not usually bright as well. Nor is it inclined towards the Diapason tone. It is a solo and ensemble stop. Most examples are larger than normal in scale and also somewhat louder. This name may refer to the louder of two Violas in the same division.

Audsley also mentions it: “On the First Manual of the Organ in the Cathedral of Vienna, there is a Viola Major, 16 ft.”


Viola Major 16', Positief Expressief; St. Bavo, Haarlem, Netherlands; Adema 1925.

Viola Major 8', Manual II; Cathedral, Passau, Bavaria, Germany; Steinmeyer 1924.

Viola Major 16', Great; Memorial Hall, Methuen, Massachusetts, USA; Walcker 1863.


Audsley[1]: Viola. Irwin[1]: Viola Major.
Copyright © 1999 Edward L. Stauff, all rights reserved.
ViolaMajor.html - Last updated 18 September 2000.
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