Minor Octave English
Minor Principal English

Listed only by Irwin, who says:

An Octave Diapason of smaller than normal [scale?] and less than average volume of sound, at 4' on the manuals or 8' on the pedals. It may sound in contrast to a louder Octave or imply a Principal Octave 4'. It may also appear on the Choir as its only Octave stop.

The name Minor Principal is also used as a synonym for Minor Diapason.


Minor Octave 4', Enclosed Great; Cadet Chapel, United States Military Academy, West Point, New York, USA; Moller 1911. This is the only known example of this name.


Irwin[1]: Minor Octave.
Copyright © 1999 Edward L. Stauff, all rights reserved.
MinorOctave.html - Last updated 15 May 2002.
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