La Force French

This stop is known to appear in three different organs, in three different forms. The name means “strength”, “power” or “force”.

In the Gabler organ of 1737 in the Basilica of Weingarten, Württemburg, Germany, it is a 49-note pedal mixture which plays only from low CCC. Its composition is as follows:

2' (1 rank in façade)
1-1/3' (2 ranks in façade)
1' (2 ranks in façade)
4/5' (2 ranks in façade)
2/3' (4 ranks in façade)
1/2' (6 ranks in façade)
2/5' (2 ranks in façade, another 4 ranks inside)
4/7' (4 ranks)
1/3' (10 ranks)
2/7' (12 ranks)

In the Crystal Cathedral, Garden Grove, California, USA, it is a 64' resultant borrowed from the 32' Double Diapason.

In the Moller organ of 1986 in Holy Trinity Lutheran Church, Buffalo, New York, USA, it is an electronic 64' pedal stop made by Walker.


Copyright © 2001 Edward L. Stauff, all rights reserved.
LaForce.html - Last updated 5 September 2001.
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