Wooden Open Flute English

This stop is mentioned only by Irwin, who describes it thus:

An open rank of Flute pipes of wood, at 16', 8', or 4' on the manuals, and 16' or 8' pedal pitch. THis stop is of less volume and brightness than the Major Open Flute of wooden form. This versatile Flute is somewhat neutral in timbre, rather than being distinctively colored like the Hohlflöte or smooth in tone like the Clarabella. It is a solo voice of bright, clean tone. It is a tone builder, as are all open Flutes. It is not obvious in combination, giving its natural overtones to any stop, even a String, inconspicuously, because they taper from the fundamental evenly and quickly.
Compare with Holzflöte.


None known. Contributions welcome.


Irwin[1]: Wooden Open Flute.
Copyright © 2000 Edward L. Stauff, all rights reserved.
Holzflote.html - Last updated 19 August 2000.
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