Viola di Alta Italian?
Viola di Alto Italian?

Locher mentions this stop, saying only: “Bergner, of Riga, has on the first manual of his organ a Viola di Alto of wood, possessing a Gamba-like string tone.” Audsley says even less: “On the Second Manual of the Organ in the Cathedral of Riga, there is a Viola di Alta, 8 ft”.


Viola di Alta 8', Schwellwerk; St. Martin, Dornbirn, Austria; Behmann/Kuhn 1927.

Viola di Alta 8', Brustwerk (manual II); Riga Cathedral, Riga, Latvia; Walcker 1883 (restored Flentrop 1993). (Two specifications are given in Osiris, one of which spells this stop “Viola di Alte”.)


Audsley[1]: Viola. Audsley[2]: I.XIII Viola. Locher[1]: Viola.
Copyright © 1999 Edward L. Stauff, all rights reserved.
ViolaDiAlta.html - Last updated 17 October 2000.
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