Tromboni Italian

Williams describes this stop as follows:

A ‘small-large trumpet’ or reed introduced into Italy by various Flemish-German builders from about 1550 onwards, but not common until the mid-18th cent. in Venice province.
. . .
Tromboni were 16' or (more often) 8' reeds in the organs of Callido and the Serassi firm, who also put them on the pedal.
At S. Maria in Aracoeli, Rome (1586 or 1601) = manual Trompete 8'; at the Chiesa dei Carmelitani Scalzi, Venice, 1720 (G. A. Pescetti) = pedal reed; at Montecassin (1830), two Tromboni stops = one full-length reed, the other half-length.

Grove adds: “Tromboni were long and strong-toned 16' or 8' reed stops on many national types of organ c1820.”

Compare with Tromboncini.


Tromboni 16', Pedal (extension of Tromba?); Columbus Hospital Chapel, Chicago, Illinois, USA; Tamburini.


Grove[1]: Tromboni. Williams[1]: Glossary: Tromboni.
Copyright © 1999 Edward L. Stauff, all rights reserved.
Tromboni.html - Last updated 27 January 2002.
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