Octave Tromba English/Italian?
Tromba Clarion Italian

An octave Tromba, at 4' in the manuals or 8' in the pedal, voiced somewhat less prominently than the unison Tromba which usually accompanies it. The name Octave Tromba is mentioned only by Bonavia-Hunt; we assume it to be a synonym for Tromba Clarion.

See also Clarion.


Osiris contains fifteen examples of Octave Tromba, and six examples of Tromba Clarion, all at 4' pitch.


Audsley[1]: Tromba Clarion. Bonavia-Hunt[1]: Tromba; Trumpet. Irwin[1]: Tromba Clarion.
Copyright © 2000 Edward L. Stauff, all rights reserved.
TrombaClarion.html - Last updated 4 December 2000.
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