Streichflöte German

This stop name, which means “string flute”, was used by a number of 20th century North American organ builders including Casavant, Schantz, Schlicker, and Zimmer, in organs designed by Paul Bunjes. Bunjes appears to have introduced the name, and was notorious for using obscure names for ordinary stops. The tone and construction of the Streichflöte is reportedly that of a Gemshorn or gentle Salicional.


All known examples are listed below.

Streichflote 4', Chor; “a Lutheran Church”, Indianapolis, Indiana, USA; Schantz (Bunjes) c1974.

Streichfloete 8', Chor; ????; Zimmer (Bunjes) 1984. This stop was originally designed to be a celeste to a Rohrgedackt, a combination which was reportedly “ugly and disastrous”.


Copyright © 2004 Edward L. Stauff, all rights reserved.
Streichflote.html - Last updated 20 September 2004.
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