Kleine Flöte German
Kleinflöte German

The prefix klein (“small”) has been used to indicate a stop of smaller scale or higher pitch than normal. Thus, Kleinflöte could be any flute of small scale, or of 4' or higher pitch. Irwin defines its tone as similar to the Lieblichflöte or Gedeckt.

Compare with Kleingedeckt.




Osiris contains only the following three examples.

Kleinflöte 2', Kronwerk; Musikhalle, Hamburg, Germany; von Beckerath 1951.

Kleinflöte 2', Swell; Macedonia Christian Church, Lexington, Kentucky, USA; Schaedle 1994.

Kleine Floete 1', Oberwerk; Congress Hall, Kulturpalast, Prague, Czechoslovakia; Rieger 1978.


Adlung[1]: §160 Hohlflöt, §162 Kleine Flöte. Audsley[1]: Kleingedeckt. Irwin[1]: Kleinflote. Sumner[1]: Klein.
Copyright © 2000 Edward L. Stauff, all rights reserved.
Kleinflote.html - Last updated 4 April 2003.
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