Kerophone (unknown)

This stop is listed only by Wedgwood, who says:

In the organ at the Colston Hall, Bristol (Norman & Beard, 1905), occur three stops named Kerophone, Harp Aeolone, and Saxophone, respectively. These stops are composed of free reeds, of 8 ft. pitch, with very broad tongues and no pipes. They are under the control of an expression device (Gale's patent), whereby every shade of power can be instantly obtained, either for accenting a single note or a whole chord. These stops add considerably to the “wood-wind” resources of this organ. A patent tuning device enables them to be rapidly tuned.

Audsley also mentions the stop:

Free-reed stops devoid of resonators have recently been introduced by certain English organ-builders, with favorable results in tonal combination and registration. In the Organ in Colston Hall, Bristol, built by Norman & Beard in 1905, there are three such free-reed stops, labeled Harp Aeolone, Kerophone, and Saxophone.

The name comes from the Greek words keras (“horn”) and fônê (“voice”).


Audsley[1]: Physharmonika. Wedgwood[1]: Kerophone.
Copyright © 1999 Edward L. Stauff, all rights reserved.
Kerophone.html - Last updated 30 August 2000.
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