Hohlflötenbass German

Listed only by Audsley, who says:

An open labial stop, of 16 ft. pitch, the pipes of which are of wood, quadrangular in form, and mouthed and voiced similar to those of the Hohlflöte (q.v.). It furnishes the proper bass to the manual unison stop, and is, accordingly, a Pedal Organ stop; but rarely introduced in modern Organs.

In The Art of Organ-Building Audsley lists Hohlflötenbass, as being synonymous with Grosshohlflöte but lists them separately in his later work Organ-Stops and their Artistic Registration.

The suffix bass is used with some consistency by German organ builders to indicate that a stop belongs to the pedal division, and does not necessarily imply a lower pitch.


All known examples are listed below.

Hohlflötenbass 4', Pedal; Dorfkirche, Elxleben, Thuringia, Germany; Franciscus Volkland 1748.

Hohlfloetenbass 8', Pedal; Domes St. Maria, Riga, Latvia; Walcker 1883. This example was apparently renamed Hohlfloete in a 1983 “restoration”.


Adlung[1]: §160 Hohlflöt. Audsley[1]: Hohlflötenbass. Audsley[2]: I.XIII Hohlflötenbass.
Copyright © 1999 Edward L. Stauff, all rights reserved.
Hohlflotenbass.html - Last updated 11 May 2003.
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