Doppelflötenbass German

Listed only by Audsley, who says:

A medium-scaled covered wood stop of 16' pitch, formed with double mouths. This stop, which furnishes the true bass to the Doppelflöte, 8 ft., has its proper place in the Pedal Organ, where its full and smooth fluty voice is of great value for accompaniment and in combination with the lingual stops. A fine example of this uncommon stop exists in the Second Pedal Organ of Schulze's important instrument in the Marienkirche, at Lübeck. It is described thus:
    “Doppelflötenbass 16'. Holz. Eine weite, gedeckt Stimme mit doppelten Labien. Der Ton ist etwas voller und runder, als der des Subbass, und bildet zu den sanften Stimme der Orgel den schonsten Bass.”

Audsley does not bother to cite the source of the German quotation. Here is a translation: “Wood. A broad [toned? scaled?], covered stop with double mouths. Its tone is somewhat fuller and rounder than that of the Subbass, and constitutes the nicest bass for the softer registrations of the organ.”


Audsley[1]: Doppelflötenbass. Audsley[2]: I.XIII Doppelflötenbass.
Copyright © 1999 Edward L. Stauff, all rights reserved.
Doppelflotenbass.html - Last updated 5 December 2001.
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