Bachflöte German |
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Maclean gives the following description:
The firm of E. F. Walcker gives this name to a Pedal Flute of 2 ft pitch; it is similar to the Blockflöte, but of smaller scale and softer tone. Smets says that it is modelled on one of the first known examples of the Gemshorn in the organ built in the early part of the sixteenth century at St. John's, Lüneburg. Casavant Freres included an example in their organ at All Saints, Kingsway, Toronto, Canada.
The writer is indebted to Mr. Lawrence Phelps, of the Casavant Company, for the following information regarding the example referred to above: “A 2 foot Flute of open metal, with a diameter of 2.46 inches at CC, that is, about two scales larger than normal measure. The pipes have no taper, and the scale progresses in a very irregular manner, progressing only 20 scales in the next two octaves; 12 scales in the next octave, and 14 scales in the next; so that by the time the 1 1/2" c is reached, it is four scales larger than normal measure. The pipes have a very steep languid bevel, and a one-fifth mouth, which is cut low. Voicing is with wide open toes, and no nicks.”
Sumner considers it to be a synonym for Gemshorn.
Osiris contains the following examples:
Bachflöte 2', Positiv; Hans Sachs Haus, Gelsenkirchen, Germany; Walcker 1927.
Bachflöte 2', Hauptwerk; Bachflöte 4', Oberwerk; Bachflöte 4', Pedal; Luitpoldhalle, Nürnberg, Germany; Walcker 1936 (destroyed).
Bachfloete 2', Pedal; Walla Walla College Church (Seventh-Day Adventist), College Place, Washington, USA; Casavant 1962/1967.
Bachflote 4', Pedal; First Baptist Church, Jackson, Mississippi, USA; Keates-Geissler 1990.
Copyright © 2001 Edward L. Stauff, all rights reserved. Bachflote.html - Last updated 28 October 2001. |
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